Friday, September 6, 2013

Apples and Senses

The theme this week in PreK was "How Will I Learn".  In this theme we explored our 5 senses and how they help us discover the world around us.

We started our week by using our sense of sight.  We looked at a group of apples and figured out the different parts, and different colors they come in.  We then got in some more fine motor practice by making tear apples in red, yellow, and green.

They look great hanging in the room!

Another fun activity we did this week using our senses, was a "what's that smell" game.  I filled cups with different smells, and the kids got to have a turn one at a time to smell in a cup and tell me what they think it was.  It's hard to figure out what something using only your nose!

Finally today, we had a day of tasting!  We explored our sense of taste by tasting different, yellow, and green.  Everyone tasted a bite of each color apple, then voted on which apple was their favorite.

I think this class likes sweets!  Yellow it is.

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