Thursday, February 20, 2014

Plants Are Living Things

We've had such a fun week learning about the next type if living thing in our unit, plants!

We started yesterday by learning about the life cycle of a plant.

We then learned what 3 things plants must have to live.

To demonstrate how plants drink the water they need to live, we put some white carnations in water and dyed the water



And red.

Do you think the flowers will change colors?! (I sure hope they do:)

Then yesterday afternoon we each got to begin our own individual Sprout House.

In the house is a lima bean that we are hoping will begin to sprout so that we can see the transformation up close. We provided all of the needs for the plants to grow in the house, water soaked paper towel, the top is open for air, and they are taped in the window to provide sunlight.

We also have 3 experimental beans...
This one has water and sun but the top is zipped so there is no air.

This bean has air and sun, but no water.

Finally, this bean has water and air, but no light when the cabinet is closed.

To keep up with what happens with our Sprout Houses we will be keeping a journal.

First we journaled what we predict our plant will look like in the end.

Then we drew what our bean looks like on day one.

We will keep up with our journals for 5 days!

For our last plant lesson this week, we learned the parts of a plant and what the different parts do for the plant.

They all have a stem that takes the water from the roots to the leaves and flower of the plant.

All plants have leaves that stick out to soak in the sunlight.

They all have roots that soak up the water and nutrients from the soil, and they help keep the plant from blowing away.

Finally the beautiful flower that houses what is necessary for reproduction...pollen and seeds.

Ya da!!

Now come on Spring so we can awesome beautiful plants first hand!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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