Saturday, December 7, 2013

Wish Upon A Star

To continue with our theme of Nighttime we learned all about stars. We first learned tht they are made of burning gas, and can only be seen at night when it is dark out. We then learned that they can make pictures in the night sky called constellations. To help is better understand how constellations work, we made our very own constellations of our special letter.

Pretty cool huh?!

Of course you can't talk about stars without making a wish, so here is what we would wish upon a star.
Finally, we made some beautiful star ornaments!

That day silly Henry changed our letter pocket chart to H!!
Then we came to school Thursday and Henry had made a real mess of our block center!
What will he get into next?!

To finish up our Nighttime unit, we learned all about the animals that are awake only at night, and that they are called nocturnal.
We got to sort animals by nocturnal or not.

We had a super fun week learning all about the nighttime, and we had a wonderful star of the week to lead is through it...Grayson!
Thank you so much for the yummy Gingerbread muffins!

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