Thursday, December 12, 2013

Gingerbread Hunt

Today we had a full day of gingerbread fun! We started by reading a new version of "The Gingerbread Man", called "The Gingerbread Bear". We then pulled up our chart to fill in the blanks from the book and look what happened!

So that set us out on our hunt for this pesky Gingerbread Man...

First stop, the library. Once there Mrs Ellie told us we had just missed him, but she read us our next clue that lead us to...

The office!

Once again, we had just missed that darn cookie! Thank goodness he left us another clue! Mrs Korte read it to us, and it lead us to...

The cafeteria! Ugh! Another clue! This on lead us...back to the classroom?!

Man, he still wasn't there! He did leave us some rays treats though!

When we finished our yummy treat we discussed the different ways to eat the cookie, then we graphed how we are it.

We're a bunch of head eaters in PreKA!

Well, did we like it?!

Yes!!! (Just FYI the 4 who said no ate their entire cookie...just saying;)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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