Friday, September 9, 2016

Using our Senses

This week we have been talking about "How we Learn", and now we know that we must use our 
5 Senses 
to learn about the world around us.

We discussed that not everyone has all 5 senses, so they must use the senses they do have to make up for the one they do not.

With the sense of touch came a lesson on describing words.
What words can we use to describe the way certain things feel?

This bean is very smooth.
 This pom pom ball is soft.
 Glitter feels rough.
 A jewel is pretty bumpy.
 Finally, we used the word squishy to describe a piece of foam.
 Next we explored our sense of smell.
Everyone got a chance to come up and see if they could guess what was in the cup by using their sense of smell ONLY.

We have some really good smellers in our class!
They smelled things like; ranch, chocolate, coffee, lemonade, soap, cinnamon, gum, markers, crayons, and many more.

 The final sense we explored was our sense of taste.
Since we are talking all about apples this month, what better thing to taste than apples!?

Each student tried a bite of a red, green, and yellow apple.  
Then we took tasting notes...
Was it yummy, yucky, sweet, or sour?
Did you like it?

 Then we each got a turn to chart which color apple we liked the best.

 Our class was pretty split, but overall we like red apples the best!

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