Saturday, August 30, 2014

Special Presentations

My Stars had their very first public speaking experience today!
They each presented their Special Letter to the class.

Everyone did such a great job!

Have a great weekend and go call those Hogs!!!

Thursday, August 28, 2014


Today for our name exploration we put the names we built yesterday to use.
First each student was called to come recognize his/her own name. 

 Once each student found their name in the chart we added a picture to help our classmates recognize our name as well.

 Everyone then took their name back to their seat for the next round.
 We then were asked a few questions about the letters in our names.
Does your name have an A in it?
We then made a chart of everyone with an A in their name.

 We then went through and did the same with E.
 This is something that we will continue to do every now and then as we discover different letters that could be a part of our names.

Then during Religion class today Mrs. Caldarera taught us the Lord's Prayer.
She made an amazing chart that had a picture for every word of the prayer.
This is something we say every morning to begin our day, so now that the kiddos know it you should practice it with them!
 This afternoon we learned a new big word...syllable!
I asked, " what do you think a syllable is?"
"A kind of bull!?" haha
We began using our new skill by clapping and charting our names.
Ma-di-son 3!!!

 They did such a great job with this tricky skill!
 Because we did so well with our syllable lesson we got to play a fun game...
Friend Bingo!

 Not only did we all end up with a yummy prize, but we are really starting to learn all of our new friend's names.

Look at Miss Ollie..she can write her friend's names at Writing Center!

I could not be more proud of my smart and wonderful Stars!

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Round and Round We Go

We had a Math day in PreK A.

Today we learned all about circles. We met a new friend Suzy Circle, and learned that circles have no corners or straight lines.  They go around and around.

Then we got to go on a circle hunt.
Look at all the circles we found around our school!

This afternoon we started practicing our cutting skills.  We began by learning how to hold our scissors properly and cut straight lines.
 Next we put our master cutting skills to work by cutting circles...
 to make caterpillars.

 Ta Da!!!