Wednesday, February 22, 2017

PreK for President!

I hope everyone enjoyed a nice long weekend as we honored our past and current Presidents.
Before leaving for the weekend we discussed the holiday that would be celebrated while out of school on Monday.  We learned what major changes have been made to the presidency from George Washington until now.  After learning the differences between then and now, we read a wonderful book that told us the important characteristics one should have to be the President of the United States.

Loving ones family, being respectful, determined, honest, organized, friendly, generous, responsible, fair, being a problem solver, taking care of the earth, being a leader, working for peace, and keeping promises.
All of these characteristics were shown in the book by giving an example of how we can begin to live this way as a kid.

So, without further adieu...
Here are your presidential candidates of 2060, and the characteristic they hope to embody the most.

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