Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Slurp, Crunch, Munch

We finished out our Living Things unit by learning about insects.
Make sure to ask your kids to sing the song they learned to help remember the parts of an insect!

We also learned how some insects eat.  They don't have teeth, but they all have different types of mouths that allow them to suck, slurp, or crunch up their food.
We compared the different mouths to tools that we are familiar with, and put them to the test.

Insects like beetles have "plier mouths" that help them crunch up their food.

 Flies have "sponge mouths" that allow them to soak up their food.
Butterflies have "straw mouths" that allow them to suck up their food.

That afternoon we all dressed up like butterflies and had a delicious nectar snack!

Did you know that February is "Dental Health Month"?
To wrap up this month we learned what we need to do to take care of our teeth, and what types of things are bad for our teeth.
The class worked in pairs to sort pictures of food that are good and bad for our teeth.

 Then they glued the correct pictures on a bad tooth or healthy tooth.

 You know our month would not be complete without a fun visit from Mrs. Susan.
This time she came and taught us all about mammals.
 Then she introduced us to her rabbit friend "Rabbit Downy Jr."

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

PreK for President!

I hope everyone enjoyed a nice long weekend as we honored our past and current Presidents.
Before leaving for the weekend we discussed the holiday that would be celebrated while out of school on Monday.  We learned what major changes have been made to the presidency from George Washington until now.  After learning the differences between then and now, we read a wonderful book that told us the important characteristics one should have to be the President of the United States.

Loving ones family, being respectful, determined, honest, organized, friendly, generous, responsible, fair, being a problem solver, taking care of the earth, being a leader, working for peace, and keeping promises.
All of these characteristics were shown in the book by giving an example of how we can begin to live this way as a kid.

So, without further adieu...
Here are your presidential candidates of 2060, and the characteristic they hope to embody the most.

Friday, February 17, 2017

Plants are Living Things

This week we continued to learn about living things, but this time the focus was on plants.
We learned that they fit all of the criteria to be a living thing, that they need us, and we need them.
Here is an overview of what plants, have, need, and give to us.
 We are doing a little experiment to watch a plant grow.
Each student placed a bean and a soaked cotton ball in a "sprout house" to be hung in the sunlight.

 We will be observing and journaling what we find about our sprouts.

 As a reminder of the parts of a plant, we learned to label.
First we had to draw the important parts of our plant, then we added the labels.

 Not only did we learn all about plants this week, but we have made it to the letter S as well!
We learned what a silhouette is because it starts with S.
Each student got a chance to see if they could pick out their own silhouette.

 They did a great job!

To sum up our busy week, we wore Sunglasses on this Sunny day!

I hope everyone has a wonderful long weekend!