Thursday, April 23, 2015

Land Animals

We started the unit this week by learning about animals that live on land, and the different habitats available to them.  We discussed the forest, desert, arctic, and the farm.  The animals that live in these habitats are special colors and have special characteristics that help them to survive in their home.
Take a look at some of the special projects we did for the different habitats.
We began by making a class forest mural made up of handprint trees and different animals that live there.

The other fun project we did was an investigation.  We learned that the animals that live in the arctic are usually white to blend in with their surroundings to keep them safe, and that they have fur or blubber to keep them warm.
We then did an experiment to see how blubber works.
First we put one hand in a glove and covered our thumb in crisco to act as the protective blubber.

 Then we stuck our blubber covered thumb and bare thumb in ice water to see how different they felt.
 You couldn't even tell that the water was so cold  with the blubber covered thumb, but boy was it cold to our bare thumbs!

Also last week, we learned all about Y.
Look what Chloe found to share with the class...
a perfect Y stick!

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