Friday, August 30, 2013

Snip Snip!

As we get more into the groove of things, we are beginning to learn and practice some new skills. This week, we broke out the big guns...The Scissors! I know that the thought of a 4 year old with scissors seems terrifying to most (myself included), but we all must face or fears at some point right?! So we did it...we practiced three fingers in the big hole, thumb in the small, three fingers toward the table, big slow alligator chomps, and using our other hand to guide...sounds easy! Ha. To this age, especially to most sweet boys, this is quite the challenge. It is, however, a very important skill,and is a great exercise in fine motor development.

Once we demolished the practiced sheets and made the room look like a hamster den, we graduated to circles (or caterpillar body parts, depending on how ya think)!

Although ill admit I had my concerns when embarking on this project, your kids pleasantly surprised me! Our caterpillars are adorable, and all have a personality completely of their own.

Now that you see that your child is capable, and no one came home with a fresh back to school haircut, I recommend you take a deep breath, and let your child show off their skills at home:).

Let ,e leave you this weekend with a look into our daily lives as PreK teachers:

We laugh a lot!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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