Wednesday, April 24, 2013

In the air

First...Mr. Tripp lost his first tooth!!!!!

What a big babies are growing up:(

Also, this week we have move in to a new habitat in our unit...In the Air. We have discussed many animals that fly through the air, how they fly, and what kind of homes they live in. Today we started making our birds to create our air habitat.

Love these birdies and can't wait for them to be flying around the classroom!!

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Thursday, April 18, 2013

To continue on with our habitat unit, we learned about things that live Underground this week. We started with the animals that live underground and what they need to survive. Then we began creating our own underground habitat:

Then we moved on to learn all about the vegetables that we eat that live underground. We read this wonderful book:

Then we did a fun lesson where we looked at many different vegetables and how they grow to determine if we actually eat the top or bottom of the plant.

Here are all 18 of our veggies we investigated!

Then there was a plate at each table with one top and one bottom vegetable for the students to classify by stamping it on a labeled page.

Finally, we drew our vegetables that grow underground to add to the class underground habitat.

Here is our final product!!

We've now created underwater and underground habitats...where to next!?

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Location:Tops and Bottoms

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

I am a Promise 2013

I know that this post is a bit late, but I needed to gather some pics from the big personal photographer canceled at the last minute...darn husband haha.
Anyway! Last week we had the PreK Program "I am a Promise", and the kids did an AMAZING job!! A lot of hard work went into this performance and I think it truly paid off. Here are some fun snapshots from the big night:
Waiting to go on

It's time!


Play Ball!

A wonderful parent recorded the Program and uploaded it to YouTube. For some unfortunate reason I'm Not tech saves enough to figure out a way to upload them to my blog:( However...go to YouTube and search Holy Souls PreK Program Part 1 through Part 7 if you need to smile because how can you not when you watch kids onstage?!

I'm such a proud teacher for so many reasons. I LOVE my kids!!

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Sunday, April 14, 2013

Butterflies Go Free!

After a wonderful performance on Thursday, which I'm still working on gathering photos for a blog post on, we got to have a fun laid back Friday.  We got to go to mass, eat some donuts from Reed and some brownies from Harrison, watch Finding Nemo, have some extra recess, and have a very science filled afternoon.
First we finally had a nice enough day to free out beautiful butterflies!!
Because Harrison's sweet grandmother bought them for our class, Mr. H himself got to help me free them.

One of the coolest parts of this whole thing is that our butterflies stick around for awhile, so we will be seeing them throughout the rest of or school year!

Then we got to watch 4th grade make volcanoes!

We had so much fun watching the explosions!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

We have just started a fun 4 week unit on habitats, and to kick it off were going under water. We have begun exploring all things fish, and have learned about some different sea creatures.

We had to start by creating the habitat in our room, and filling it with handmade fish that have all of the essential parts...fin, gills, tail, and scales.

Today we discussed that certain sea creatures are named for their appearance...starfish, seahorse, octo-pus. We then came up with our own funny fish that look like their names.

We had many catfish, a few dogfish,an alligator fish, princess dogfish, hippopotamus fish, crown fish, hen fish, emmafish, and a tigerfish!

And spring has officially hatched in PreK!!

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Location:Under the Sea