Monday, April 24, 2017

Who Lives on Land?

This week we started our very last unit of the year...Habitats!
We began this unit by learning about LAND habitats.
What do they look like? How do they feel? Who lives there? Where are they located?

The first land habitat we learned about is the Farm.
We now know that animals that live on farms are not wild animals; therefore, they need someone to help feed and take care of them.  
We drew what a farm habitat would look like in our Land Habitat Journal.

 Then we explored the animals that live on a farm.
Each farm animal has a very important job to do...
check out what we learned:

 Next we moved into the forest.  
Forests are mainly green and brown, so we learned that most of the animals that live in this habitat are also.  This helps them stay safe.

 We made a lovely forest mural.

 Last we talked about the hot and cold weather in the Desert and Arctic habitats.
It takes very special animals with unique features to live in these extreme habitats.

 We got to do an experiment to see why blubber is so important on arctic animals.
It keeps them very warm!
We put shortening around our finger and stuck it in ice water.
We couldn't feel a thing with that finger, but the water sure was cold on our bare finger!

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