Monday, November 24, 2014

PreK Pow Wow

Today we had so much fun learning about the Native Americans today.  We learned about the symbols they used to write stories, the animals they killed to make their homes and clothing,  the weapons they used to hunt, and the types of clothing they wore.

We worked so hard on our own Native American costumes.
We even got our own Indian names!

Chief Running Horse
 Princess Dancing Unicorn
 Chief Dancing Lion
 Princess Twirling Panda
 Chief Walking Horse
 Princess Skipping Cat
 Princess Swimming Puppy
 Chief Jumping Cheetah
 Princess Swimming Horse
 Princess Dancing Kitten
 Chief Swimming Monkey
 Chief Flying Zebra
 Chief Flying Lion
 Princess Swinging Cat
 Chief Flipping Dog

I think all of our characters are set and ready for a fabulous feast in celebration of the First Thanksgiving.
See ya there!

Sunday, November 23, 2014

The Pilgrims

After learning how the pilgrims got to the new land, we learned what it took to live back then.
We discussed how different the times were compared to now, and how hard it was to live without the technology we have today.
 The students then planted corn in Religion class with Mrs. C after learning that the Pilgrims only had 5 kernels of corn to eat each day.  This allowed us to see how much we have to be thankful for.
Now we get to watch it grow just as the pilgrims did...almost.

Finally, we made pilgrim self portraits.
Cutest pilgrims around!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

The Mayflower

Today we learned all about The First Thanksgiving.
To go along with the story we made our very own handprint Mayflowers.

First the students practiced their best handwriting to write "The Mayflower" at the top of the page.
 Then we added water,
 the sails,
 and some fluffy white clouds.
 Look how great they turned out!

 Then this afternoon we had our friend from The Museum of Discovery come visit with her friend...
a horned frog!
We learned all about amphibians, the difference between frogs & toads, different types of frogs/toads, and we learned how they grow and change.
 Then we got to get up close and personal with the little guy.
 Well...not so little guy.
How cool is he!
 Also, I must introduce our adorable Star of the Week, 


Sunday, November 16, 2014

Gobble Gobble!

To finish up our turkey week we worked very hard to turn ourselves into the gobblers.
First we got to pick 3 colors to make an ABC pattern for the feathers of our turkey.
 Then we added a head,
 and all of the facial features.
 TaDa 15 ADORABLE little turkeys!

I could just eat em up!

Also a big thank you to our wonderful Star of the Week, Sully, for the yummy yummy starburst jelly beans.