Monday, August 28, 2017

Stars are Special

Let me start by introducing you to our newest Star...Nile!
The class has already been so welcoming and this sweet boy fits right in.
 Last week was so much fun because we got to explore all of the ways that we are special and unique.
We started off by each saying something about ourselves that we feel makes us special.
 Then we learned that our names make us special because our moms and dads picked them just for us.
How many letters are in your name makes it special too!

 Mrs. Mansfield did a fun Religion lesson where she taught us the true meaning of our names.
 Next we learned all about our eyes and how even if we say we have the same color eye, it may be a completely different shade.  Turns out, our class is full of some blue eyed babies!
 After eyes, it was time to explore hair.  We learned about different colors, textures, and lengths of hair and how they make us special.
 After learning about our features we made little faces that look like ours, and we charted them based on if we are a boy or a girl.

 Look at this precious boy heavy class!
We are tiny but mighty!
 There is just so much that makes us special!
So it was on to how we grow.  No one grows the same way or at the same time.
As we learned about our growth we also got a fun lesson on measurement.
Look how tall we are!

 Finally, we learned that our hands and fingerprints are special and unique to us.

First Week Fun

This post is a little First Week Flashback because somehow I completely missed uploading this sorry!

The first week we met many new people both inside and out of the classroom.
Here we are with some of the important people we love around our school.
These ladies keep the school running...
Mrs. Suski the secretary and Mrs. Korte the school nurse.
 Here we are meeting our principal, Mrs. Dobbins.
 This the nice team that prepares our lunch, Mr. Verlin and Mrs. Charlotte.
 We learned that we should always try to make Green choices, not Red.
Here we are doing an activity where each student picked a card from the box, let the class vote on whether it was a green or red choice, and then they placed it in the correct spot on the chart.

 Then we met our color people and decided whether they make green or red choices.
In our class we will always strive to be Godly Green, Outstanding Orange, and Polite Pink.
 Then we did our first of many class votes to name the Weather Boy....
He helps teach us the correct way to dress for all different types of weather.
 Before we got to play in our centers it was important to learn the correct way to play with the toys, how to rotate around the room, and the appropriate way to clean them up.
The students all got a chance to play with a puzzle or file folder game to practice completing them and putting them away correctly so that no pieces are lost.
This also taught us that it is important to ask for help.

 Finally, the week ended with a special Kiss on the hand to remember all weekend long how much they are loved and missed their teachers over the weekend.

Monday, August 21, 2017

2017-2018 Stars

I am so excited to introduce the Stars of 2017-2018!
 Jonathan "JJ"
 Luke H.
 Luke M.

Get excited to watch this Sharp Bunch grow and learn this year!