Friday, August 31, 2012

Rainy Day

Our goal today was just to stay dry. SO inside recess it is!! Extra center time makes us all happy:)

Have a great weekend! If you get bored, and you think kids are hilarious like I "Kid Snippets" on YouTube. SO great!

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Thursday, August 30, 2012

Friendship letters

Our day started off right with a great star helper!! Harrison moved to purple YAY!!

We then continued with our theme of "Who Will My Friends Be" by making friendship cards today. We talked about nice things to say to friends then we wrote them in a homemade card the best we could.

Look our hands can make a heart!

Then if our card was to someone in the class we handed them out!

Finally, this afternoon, we had show-and-tell with our special letters. (Disclaimer: pardon the blurry pics, my phone is slightly cracked near the camera so it's hard to get a good shot. I do my best:)







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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Cutting Pros

Yesterday we learned to hold our scissors, and to cut all different types of lines. Today we used those mad cutting skills to make some colorful caterpillars!

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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Going on a Circle Hunt!

We learned all about circles this morning! We came up with a great list of circles around us then went on a hunt to see what we could find.

Look...circles at lunch too!!

And a fun snapshot to leave you with...
Hannah Banana!

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